The Marina is entering into a beautification process. It is the goal of the Marina and its staff increase the Marina’s appeal, beautifying the landscape in a way consistent with the tropical character and natural beauty of a paradise that we know and love.
1.1. All boats must be registered upon arrival and receive assignment to a berth or slip.
1.2. Boat Owners must provide a current federal documentation or state registration for all boats berthed in the Marina and be listed as a legal owner.
1.3. Boat Owners may not sublease or permit boats owned by others in their slip.
1.4. Rates for License Agreement are based on overall length of vessel (LOA), measured from tip to tip. Your vessel will be measured upon arrival and the rate will be adjusted within thirty days of your arrival.
1.5. Boat slips may not be transferred to the new owner of the boat registered in this Agreement.
1.6. LIVEABOARD POLICY: The term "Liveaboard" is defined as a vessel docked at the facility and inhabited by a person or persons for any fourteen (14) consecutive days or a total often (20) days within a thirty (30) day period. Liveaboards are prohibited within the marina basin.
1.7. Boats berthed in the Marina and the Boat Slip occupied by the Boat must be kept in a safe, clean and sightly condition.
1.8. Repair and maintenance of dock facilities shall be performed by the Marina only. Alterations/additions to dock facilities must be approved by the Marina.
1.9. The extent of boat repairs and maintenance at dockside is at the discretion of the Marina. Repair projects must be authorized by the Marina prior to starting the work and major repairs are not permitted. There shall be no engine replacement or painting of boats in the Marina.
1.10. The Marina reserves the right to use any boat slips during the temporary absence of a boat without setoff against or credit to Boat Owner's Fee obligations under his or her Registration/Boat Dockage Agreement.
1.11. Watercraft shall not be used for commercial purposes from the Marina unless assigned to or occupying, while so engaged, a slip designated for commercial use, and without the prior written consent of the Marina.
1.12. Owner agrees to comply with any and all City ordinances and State and Federal law and regulations concerning the stowage and disposal of human waste. All holding tank valves shall be set to direct wastewater into an on-board holding tank. The valve directing waste into the holding tank shall be secured to prevent over-board discharge into Marina waters.
1.13. Transfer, changing, or moving of vessels between slips is not allowed except by prior written concurrence of Marina. To assure slip availability upon return,
1.14. Marina reserves the right to move a vessel without notice.
1.15. Only vessels in good and seaworthy condition will be admitted
1.16. Owner's vessel shall be registered or documented, marked and maintained as required by law and safe practices.
1.17. Marina will attempt to honor Owner's preference for slip assignment consistent with Marina's need to match vessels to slips of an appropriate size. Owner agrees to move, at Marina's request, his/her other vessel to a slip with similar services.
1.18. Boat Owners leaving for an extended cruise (more than 72 hours) will so notify the Marina office. The Marina management reserves the right to rent all boat slips when so vacant without set off against or credit to Boat Owner's Fee obligations under his or her Registration/Boat Dockage Agreement.
1.19. For overnight dock users only (“Transient Dockers”) dockage day starts at 7:00 a.m. Any vessel docked prior to 7:00 a.m. will be charged dockage for the previous day. Check out time shall be 11:00 a.m. Any vessel that occupies a boat slip after 11:00
a.m. shall be charged for the following day.
1.20. Owner or his/her representative remains responsible for the operation and berthing of his/her vessel within the approach channel and waters of the Marina. When Owner's vessel enters the Harbor, it immediately comes under the jurisdiction of Marina and shall be berthed only where ordered. Vessels entering or leaving the Harbor under emergency shall be reported immediately by Owner to the Marina using VHF Channel 16 or best means available.
1.21. Except in an emergency, when entering and leaving, the Owner's vessel must be under power only, not under sail or combined sail and power, and operated at speeds consistent with a designated "Manatee Zone."
1.22. Owner agrees to operate his vessel in waters of the Harbor without creating a disturbing wake. Owner creating a disturbing wake is responsible for resulting injury to people and damage to other boats and Marina's docks and facilities. The Marina Basin is “No WAKE” at all times.
3.1. All artificial noise making devices, including, but not limited to: bird callers, squawkers, and deterrents must be approved by the Marina. Marina may grant or deny in its sole and absolute discretion. If not approved, the artificial noise maker(s) must be removed or deactivated.
3.2. Boat Owners, their Crew and Guests are cautioned to be considerate of others. Behavior or conduct that the Marina in its sole and absolute discretion determines might injure another party, cause damage to property or disturb other Owners and guests may lead to termination of this Agreement by the Marina.
3.3. Owner and Owner's guest, for whom he/she is responsible, agrees to conduct him/herself at all times while at the Marina so as to create no annoyance, hazard or nuisance to the Marina or to other vessels or Marina patrons and guests.
3.4. Owner and Owner's guest will keep noise to a minimum at all times, and will use discretion in operating engines, generators, radios and television sets. Power tools may be used only when such use does not constitute a nuisance. Any work or other activities that are a nuisance to others will not be permitted.
3.5. Boats shall conform to all federal and state regulations concerning boat safety devices and equipment.
3.6. Notices or signs are not permitted to be displayed on Marina dock areas, buildings or grounds without Marina approval.
3.7. Fishing and netting are allowed from Marina dock areas at the Marina’s discretion. Use of harpoons or spears is prohibited in the Marina.
3.8. Recreational swimming is prohibited in the waters of the Marina.
3.9. Boat Owners are required to maintain mooring lines and bilge pumps in good working condition at all times. During Hurricane Season from June 1 to November 30 each year Boat Owners shall take all necessary and prudent measures to prevent damage, which may include, but not be limited to, maintaining double mooring lines. In the event of a significant storm for which Boat Owner has failed, in the Company’s reasonable judgment, to take reasonable safety precautions, the Company reserves the right, to be exercised in its sole and absolute discretion, to take reasonable safety precautions for the Boat Owner. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE EXERCISE OR NON-EXERCISE OF ITS OPTION OR ANY DAMAGES CAUSED THEREBY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE COMPANY.
3.10. Pets are permitted at the Marina only if they are not a nuisance. Owners are responsible for any and all actions of their pets. Boat Owner's Registration/Boat Dockage Agreement may be terminated by Marina if Owner's pet, or the pet of Owner's guest, creates a nuisance. Examples of nuisance behavior include but are not limited to: toileting on Marina property or on the property of others, (unless Owner removes all traces of waste material and disposes of them in a closed container placed in a trash receptacle); noise, threatening demeanor, running at large (not on a leash). Pets may not be tied on docks.
3.11. Rigging shall be secured to prevent undue noise.
3.12. Owner agrees to hang no laundry, towels, bathing suits or other items above decks on his/her vessel or on docks and finger piers of Marina.
3.13. Firearms, loaded or unloaded, will not be displayed topside or on Marina property.
3.14. Bicycle, motorcycles, motor bike, moped and motor scooter riding, skating and skate boarding on the docks is prohibited.
3.15. Marina and Owner and Owner's guest alone may use the facilities attached to the Marina Office designated for use by the general public.
3.16. Possession of contraband and prohibited items are substances, including but not limited to illegal drugs and narcotics, unlicensed weapons which require a license, unlawful weapons and loaded firearms is prohibited. Marina has a policy of cooperation with local, state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Coast Guard in the execution of its "Zero Tolerance" responsibilities and will grant such agencies access to the facilities of the Marina for lawful pursuit of their enforcement responsibilities. The arrest of Owner or Owner's guest or crew by any agency for a suspected offense covered by this provision may result in termination of the Registration/Boat Dockage Agreement prior to final legal disposition.
4.1. This is NOT a full-service marina. Improving and beautifying the property is one of our priorities at this time. Major repairs of such extent and nature as are normally performed at boatyard facilities, including but not limited to rebuilding or replacing engines and sanding, painting, or refinishing of any portion of the vessel, shall not be performed at or near the slip or MARINA. That being said, select service repairs performed on site and/or vessel may be authorized with prior management approval. The extent of repairs and maintenance permitted is at the sole discretion of the MARINA. If an outside contractor is to perform work on your boat, the following conditions must be met or the contractor will not be allowed access:
4.1.1. Boat owner must notify MARINA in advance, with the date, nature of work, estimated length of repairs, and name of who will perform work.
4.1.2. Contractors must stop at office upon arrival and check in. Violators will be considered trespassers.
4.1.3. Contractors must submit Proof of Commercial Liability Insurance of no less than $1,000,000, sign a Subcontractor Indemnification Agreement, worker’s compensation policy or exemption, and professional business license prior to working on any vessel in the marina.
4.2. “For Sale” signs are limited to 3 per vessel and must be approved by Dockmaster. Signs are limited to 18” X 24” in size and must be fastened to vessel. No signs are permitted to be displayed on the dock, pier, dock box, pedestal, or other dock fixtures. Prospective buyers are guests of the marina and must be accompanied by boat owner or registered contractor/broker.
5.1. The use of charcoal burners, gas welders, gas torches or any open flame-producing equipment is prohibited. Cooking aboard vessel is permitted if alcohol, electric, propane or CNG gas stoves are used, unless otherwise prohibited by such authority as fire regulations or the U.S. Coast Guard.
5.2. The fueling of vessels is permitted only at the Marina fuel docks. Owner will be correct immediately remove any dangerous or hazardous condition on his/her vessel, or caused by his/her vessel, upon notice of such condition. Boats must receive fuel from the fuel service dock. No fuel will be pumped or transferred from boats to containers on dock areas. Fuels truck are not allowed unless approved by the Marina.
6.1. Owner agrees to have his/her vessel insured by liability insurance and to be held responsible for damage caused to other vessels in the marina or to the structures thereof. Marina assumes no responsibility for the safety of any vessel docked at the marina and will not be liable for fire, theft, or damage to said vessel, its equipment or any property in or on said vessel, however rising. Owner acknowledges that he/she has been advised that the Marina makes no representation or warranty offers Owner or Owner's vessel a safe berth, or that Marina offers the safest available refuge. Owner and his/her vessel are fully responsible for all of the consequences of the vessel's continuing presence in the Marina as set forth in this Agreement. Owner agrees to hold Marina harmless in the event claims for damage to other persons or property arise from the presence of Owner's vessel in Marina. Owner has produced evidence of, or has covenanted and agreed that he/she has in full force and effect, and Marina has relied upon. See Also License Agreement for Dockage/Storage Space.
7.1. All motor vehicles and trailers parked in Marina lots must meet current State Motor Vehicle registration requirements, present a good appearance, and be in serviceable condition. This Agreement confers no right to park motor homes, travel trailers, boats, water-sports equipment and boat trailers on Marina property with out the prior written approval from the Marina
7.2. ALL Owners must have a Marina Decal located on their Vehicle.
7.3. After launching vessels All Owner’s must park their trailer back in their designated space and detach their vehicle from the trailer if their vehicle bocks the lane of traffic.
7.4. PAY TO PARK. All vehicles that DO NOT have a decal must pay for parking. Failure to pay for parking is a violation of this agreement, and the vehicle will be Booted at the vehicle owner’s expense.
8.1. Owner will not place dinghies, small craft, supplies, materials, accessories or debris on walkways or finger piers, and will not construct thereon any locker, chest cabinets or similar structures. Boarding steps approved by Marina may be placed on the leased finger pier adjacent to Owner's vessel in a manner that will not impede use of the finger pier by others. In no case will Owner or Owner's contractor store containers of gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum products or hazardous materials on docks or in dock boxes. Such materials, if found unattended, may be removed and disposed of by the Marina at Owner's expense.
8.2. Dock boxes shall be furnished by the Marina, and Boat Owners shall not be permitted to install or retain their own unless written permission is given by the Company.
9.1. UL-approved cords required. Owner will connect to Marina power outlets only with serviceable, UL-approved power cords designed specifically for marine use and rated for the electrical service to which connected. The Marina will remove any unauthorized or unserviceable power cords, and Marina will not be responsible for any consequences of such removal. Plugs must have integral weather proof covers in serviceable condition.
9.2. Alteration of electric supply system prohibited. No addition, alteration or modification shall be made to the electrical supply system furnished by Marina. Marina shall not be responsible for electrical interruption or power surges, or the results or damage therefrom.
9.3. Boat Owners must use marine grade shore power cords for electrical service connections at Marina utility centers. Both water hoses and power cords shall not run across Marina dock areas.
10.1. Marina provides access to fresh water.
10.2. Owner agrees to disconnect all water hoses when he/she will be absent from the boat. Marina may disconnect Owner's water hose at the dock in Owner's absence and Marina will not be responsible for any consequences of such action.
10.3. Owner agrees to use a shut-off nozzle to conserve water when washing his/her vessel.
11.1. Owner will ensure that all trash and garbage is placed into designated receptacles.
11.2. The use of soaps or dispersants to emulsify any petroleum discharge is unlawful.
11.3. Charges associated with damage and prevention of damage caused by a discharge, and with cleaning up and disposing of contaminated materials following such discharge, will be billed to owner if Owner's vessel or action caused or may cause contamination of Marina waters or the waters of the State beyond or inside the confines of the Marina.
11.4. Fish remains must be disposed of properly in the dumpster in the outer parking lot or in offshore waters in accordance with federal and state regulations. An oil recycling container is provided by the Marina for oil, including diesel fuel, and oil filters. Gasoline may not be placed in the recycling container. Owner is responsible for proper disposal of gasoline or gasoline contaminated bilge water and other hazardous materials and agrees not to place them in the Marina trash containers or oil recycling igloos.
11.5. The discharge of raw sewage and any other water contaminated by oil, fuel or other regulated materials is prohibited and Boat Owner shall be liable for any such discharge. All permanently installed sewage systems must meet current federal and state regulations or must be locked off while the vessel is docked. Boat Owners must place all trash and garbage in the commercial containers located at the Marina.
13.1. Violations of the above Rules and Regulations, disorder, degradation or indecorous conduct by Owner, his/her crew, agents or guest that might annoy or injure others persons or cause damage to property shall be cause for immediate removal of the vessel in question and termination of any lease agreement at the discretion of the Marina. Violations of any City, County, State or Federal laws shall be cause for termination of any lease agreement immediately and cause exclusion of Owner and his/her vessel from the Marina.
13.2. The MARINA at it’s discretion, may impose a fine of $50 dollars for each day that a violation occurs. Owner authorizes Marina to charge against the security deposit or credit card on file to satisfy any default or fine.
13.3. Owners are responsible for their guest and their violations if any.
Hello Marina Residents,
To continue our effort to continue the beautification of Cove Cay Marina, we will be raising the price for storage beginning February 1st, 2025. This is first rent increase in nearly 3 years, and 2nd in 4 years. The rent will be increasing approximately 10% for each slip/space, from the current market value of the slip/space. The new prices will be listed on website shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Given the short notice, if you wish to leave due the rent increase, we will waive the 60 day notice found in your lease.