1. Canvas removed
A. Bimini
B. Fly Bridge cover
C. Windshield cover
D. All other canvas
2. Remove sails
3. Dock boxes secured or removed (on boats and docks)
4. Remove all flags and flag staffs
5. Remove and store coolers
6. Remove and store deck furniture
7. Remove and store cushions
8. Remove and store life rings
9. Remove and store extra anchors
10. Remove and store any barbeques (rail or deck)
11. Remove and store bicycles
12. Remove and store dinghy
13. Remove and store any fenders not used
14. Remove and store any satellite dishes
15. Remove and store any fishing equipment
16. Remove all halyards
17. Adequate size lines
18. Insurance policy updated and on file at marina office
19. Disconnect and store water hoses and electric cords
20. Store any loose items, i.e. poles, gaff hooks, scrub brushes etc...
The Pinellas, FL yard boat service facility will be “Closed for Business” whenever designated so by the yard manager. This will usually be initiated upon a named storm that has potential of affecting our area or operations. This will provide adequate time for any patron or employee to vacate the premises and seek shelter. The procedures listed below shall be considered a guide, are not all inclusive, and shall be followed when and where practicable:
Note: Florida Statute 327.59 regarding marina preparation/ protection applies.
The following time line should be used whenever practical:
1. The hurricane or emergency, 72 hours out:
o Determine haul out capacity.
o Top off fuel in all machinery.
o Appoint one person (Office Manager) to open all work orders.
o Secure all roof hatches and remove antennas and loose objects from roof.
o Check all AC units, insure all panels are secure.
o Remove any loose materials from the roof.
o Quick check and remove dangers from trees and bushes. Note, that a major tree cleaning is completed prior to Hurricane Season.
o Move all outside trash cans and any other moveable items to interior.
o Remove all flags, banners and signs.
o Tie down dumpsters and other items that cannot be brought inside.
o Top off generators with fuel, test and service under load.
o Top off fuel in all vehicles and maintain at full or near full level. Fill spare containers.
o Repair any known minor leaks in ceiling, walls, doors and windows.
o Check business disaster pan for up-to-date phone numbers.
o Remind employees of the need for them to have family disaster plans.
o Review company plan with employees.
o Check on availability of work force based on vacations and equipment based on operability.
o Review business insurance policy.
o Pay close attention to local TV and radio broadcasts.
o Remove canvas covers from tents.
o Secure all loose items on boats.
o Check boat stands and chain together where appropriate.
o Call/ take calls from owners. Complete as many special instructions as possible.
o Evaluate machines and machinery.
o Call for 100 KW generator reservation
o Stock bottled water and ice.
2. The hurricane or emergency, 48 hours out:
o Monitor hurricane track and alert employees of pending storm.
o Recheck team member list and contacts.
o Make duplicate copies of important documents, i.e. insurance policies, financial records, vendor list, etc.
o Update inventory list of al business equipment and furniture.
o Video tape or photograph interior and exterior of your buildings.
o Place loose papers, books, hanging plants in desk drawers or storage cabinets.
o Allow all employees to take care of personal needs, supplies, food, shutters, etc.
o Change batteries in cell phones, radios, flashlights, etc.
3. The hurricane or emergency, 36 hours out:
o Back up computer files and store offsite.
o Make arrangements to pay employees with cash, if necessary.
o Set up a petty cash fund for emergency purchases.
o Check all emergency equipment (flashlights, first aid kits, etc.) Replace missing or faulty items.
o Move merchandise, equipment furniture away from windows and sky lights.
o Take down pictures and plaques from the walls.
4. The hurricane or emergency, 24 hours out:
o Move all remaining records away from windows and floors. Place on shelves, file cabinets and/or counter tops.
o Relocate boxes, computers and other office equipment if possible to the innermost portion of the building or to a designated offsite safe place.
o Remove contents or owner file cabinet drawers on ground floor and secure contents at a higher elevation.
o Install shutters over doors and windows.
o Secure first floor doorways with sand bags, air conditioning duct tape or heavy plastic to protect from rising water.
o Cover merchandise files, office machines, computer terminals and other items and furnishings with heavy plastic and secure with duct tape.
o Alert suppliers of possible closing.
o If possible, forward work numbers to answering service outside hurricane alert area.
o Notify local authorities if building will be vacant & if a guard/ security will be present.
o Check standby electrical generator switches and controls for automatic switch over.
o Disconnect all electrical appliances/ equipment that are not to run on emergency generator.
o Post “Notice of Closing” at front entry and entry for supply deliveries.
o Post evacuation map showing major roadways to evacuate area and locations of local hurricane or emergency shelters.
o Lock all doors when leaving.
o Boats in water: It is not in the plan to leave boats in the water. Boats in the water will be authorized by the yard manager only.
A. Objective:
To provide clear and concise procedures for COVE CAY MARINA staff and vessel owners to follow in the event of a Hurricane or severe storm. To manage, maintain security, and control the operation of COVE CAY MARINA facilities during an announced emergency situation.
B. Background:
Marinas are not safe locations for vessels during a Hurricane or Tropical Storm – their proximity to the water and coastal regions generally place these facilities either close to or directly in the path of these storms. COVE CAY MARINA does mandate evacuation; it is highly recommended that vessels be relocated well in advance to safer locations in order to protect both the vessel and the Marina. The following procedures will enhance COVE CAY MARINA’s ability to protect the lives and property of our marina customers, and safeguard our facilities.
C. Preparation:
Every vessel owner should have an individual Hurricane Plan, designed specifically for their vessel. This Plan should include the location of alternate berthing / storage for their vessel; a checklist of key procedures to be followed to ready the vessel for a storm; necessary gear and supplies on board to help secure the vessel on short notice; and the name and phone number of a friend or family member who will act on behalf of the vessel owner should they be out of town or unable to reach the vessel. Marina customers should regularly provide their facilities with current contact information, including emergency telephone numbers. Vessel insurance is a mandatory requirement for berthing / storing a vessel at a COVE CAY MARINA– customers should make sure that their vessel insurance is current and that coverages are sufficient protection for vessel liability, damage, or loss.
COVE CAY MARINA shall designate an Operating Post (“O.P.”), which shall generally be the facility’s Marina Office (unless otherwise designated) for the coordination of operations, communication, and emergency response. The O.P. shall be in communication with the Pinellas County Emergency Operations Center (E.O.C.); COVE CAY MARINA staff shall be familiar with the emergency procedures.
A. Hurricane Watch
1.) All COVE CAY MARINA personnel are required to know by definition the status of a weather emergency as differentiated between a Hurricane Advisory, Watch, Warning, etc.
2.) All COVE CAY MARINA personnel will be prepared to respond when called upon to report to work. Proper planning will ensure that personal needs are met, while still meeting the need to respond to an emergency situation at our facility.
3.) At designated staging areas all emergency equipment and supplies (i.e. pumps, generators, vehicles, etc.) are to be at full operational capacity and ready to move. Batteries are fully charged; life jackets, rings, lines, and other safety equipment stocked and in full working order.
4.) At the O.P. the information cycle is started – the GM and the O.P. shall contact the E.O.C., and verify contact information.
a.) To Marina Patrons – directly, by voice announcement, by posted notice, by phone, by passing the word the proposed order of an evacuation plan will be announced.
b.) Vessel owners / operators are instructed to monitor VHF Channel 16, the Marine working channel, and weather station for information updates and emergency instructions.
c.) All trash and debris are removed from containers to prepare those containers for receiving additional trash. Parking Lots, common areas, and docks are checked for removal of unnecessary equipment and materials.
d.) COVE CAY MARINA staff shall ascertain that vessel owners are prepared for an emergency evacuation.
e.) Calls are made upon Marina customers to serve as volunteer help, if needed.
f.) Notification is made to other personnel/Contractors if there is need to relocate any vehicles, equipment, or property. COVE CAY MARINA’s employees are designated at the facility to handle the safeguarding, evacuation, or relocation of the above, as well as files and irreplaceable data.
5.) Commence securing buildings, docks, vessels, and upland property. Only basic facility accesses are left open.
6.) COVE CAY MARINA wet slips are to be kept open for a smooth flow of vessels from their slips and any additional haul out vessels to the upland. Direct trailerable vessels out of the area.
7.) Report essential information to GM. Receive instruction as to communications, controls, phone numbers, radio channels, etc.
8.) Rotate facility staff home to address personal needs. All COVE CAY MARINA personnel will be required to report back to work, scheduled in selected groups at selected locations, for continuing emergency operations. It is mandatory that all COVE CAY MARINA personnel report to work as instructed.
B. Hurricane Warning
1.) All Marina personnel on duty shall alert the boating public of any Hurricane Advisory Update and Warning information.
2.) All off-duty COVE CAY MARINA personnel must respond immediately and report to work. Personal needs should now have been met and all available personnel will be meeting the need for necessary emergency work at the facility.
3.) Emergency equipment and supplies are positioned to be mobilized for fast use. Piers and bulkheads are cleared of movable objects, garbage, and debris. Loose items that cannot be removed are secured, tied down, etc.
4.) Keep vessel and COVE CAY MARINA customer traffic flowing in a smooth and orderly fashion – be prepared to assist vessel owners with untying lines, securing equipment, etc.
5.) Complete securing buildings, piers, and docks; finish safeguarding property from flood areas; secure areas once completed.
C. Facility Evacuation
1.) Upon local directive, facilities are secured and evacuated. Vessel owners have been directed to Hurricane Shelters. COVE CAY MARINA personnel are dismissed, with instruction to establish contact with the GM as soon as possible after the storm for instruction. COVE CAY MARINA will be shut down for the duration of the emergency. Begin planning for “after the storm” action.
A. Precautionary Measures (Should be initiated at beginning of each Hurricane Season, and on an ongoing basis)
1.) Have your vessel Hurricane Plan established. Know in advance where you are going to, what you are going to do, and when you are going to do it.
2.) Involve a friend or family member(s) in your vessel Hurricane Plan so that they may assist you if you are out of town or unable to get to your vessel in the event of an approaching storm. Initiate a “dry run” to ensure that you are ready for the real thing.
3.) Make sure that your vessel’s operating systems are in good working order. Replace fuel filters, inspect batteries/charging system, and keep fuel tanks topped off. Inspect all bilge pumps/connections. Inspect fire-fighting equipment for readiness.
4.) Inspect all working and spare dock lines and ground tackle (check chain and shackles). Ensure that all extra line is in good condition and in an accessible location. Have sufficient chafing gear for all working lines (neoprene hose works well).
5.) Devote some time to practice tying your vessel as you would for a Hurricane or severe storm. Make sure that your extra line is of sufficient quantity and strength.
B. Active Measures (To be initiated at least 72 hours before Hurricane expected landfall)
1.) All vessels should be evacuated from the Marina at this time.
2.) If relocating your vessel from the Marina, do it now and do it early. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be getting to where you are going. Vessels remaining in the Marina, that require relocation to other slips (for purposes of vessel safety and cleat/piling stress reduction) will be moved at this time.
3.) Strip as much as you can from the vessel topsides. Bimini tops, dinghies, motors, sails, roller furling, outriggers, chairs, should be stowed.
4.) Make sure that the vessel bilge is free from sludge, debris and obstruction so that rainwater can freely exit your boat.
5.) Enhance watertight integrity above and below the waterline – seal windows, doors, hatches (duct tape will work). Shut seacocks, cap off or plug unvalved through-hull fittings such as sink drains. Clear cockpit drains.
6.) Hoses, bicycles, and everything else off piers and docks. Dock boxes emptied. Commercial vessels: anything left on the piers will be removed and thrown out.
7.) COVE CAY MARINA will shut down operations to the public upon the issuance of a Hurricane Warning or 24 hours prior to expected landfall (whichever comes first). At this time vessels requiring special berthing arrangements within the Marina will have to be moved. All vessel owners should be off their vessels at this time. If a significant storm surge is expected, electrical service and water to the piers will be shut down.
Copyright © 2024 Cove Cay Marina - All Rights Reserved.
Managed by Samole & Associates, PLLC
Hello Marina Residents,
To continue our effort to continue the beautification of Cove Cay Marina, we will be raising the price for storage beginning February 1st, 2025. This is first rent increase in nearly 3 years, and 2nd in 4 years. The rent will be increasing approximately 10% for each slip/space, from the current market value of the slip/space. The new prices will be listed on website shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Given the short notice, if you wish to leave due the rent increase, we will waive the 60 day notice found in your lease.